Places that you can visit after our tour and that are close from here.


Nishiki Market

Nishiki Market today is very different from its origins as an open-air fish market some 400 years ago.

Nishiki Market has an astonishing 130 vendors packed into a narrow passageway that is approximately 400 meters long and 3.9 meters wide.

Nishiki Market offers an array of both fresh and preserved foods, including duck specialties, Japanese sweets, and all manner of pickles. You can also find excellent cookware and elegant ceramic wares, condiments and paper goods.


Manga Museum

Japan's manga mecca, for kids big and small.

Every fan of Japanese comics should make the pilgrimage to the Kyoto International Manga Museum, the world's first comprehensive manga museum dedicated to the art form.

The museum contains about 300,000 different manga.

There's a growing "Manga Expo" section, with many volumes in English and other languages.

Kamishibai, known as paper plays, are performed at the museum


Kyoto Imperial Palace

Kyoto Imperial Palace, known as Gosho, is the former residence of Japan's imperial family. It is now an impressive landmark in the very center of Kyoto.

After serving as a home for Japan's imperial family during the ten centuries Kyoto served as the nation's capital, the family left the palace in 1868 when the capital moved to Tokyo.

Visitors are now free to stroll the grounds surrounding the palace, an activity once limited to guided tours.


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